ZK2020 Market - 6/27/2020

Get ready for a day FILLED to overflowing with awesome, tempting, fiber arts shopping opportunities next Saturday 6/27 at the #ZK2020 virtual market!  All times listed are Central Daylight Savings Time (CDT).

Every hour for 13 hours there will be IG lives, and Zoom interviews. There will be new colorways and kits, virtual shopping appointments, and deals!

Ravelry Deals Thread Here

   9AM Beautiful Syster
SHOP HERE: www.etsy.com/shop/beautifulsyster

   10AM Jems Luxe Fiber
SHOP HERE: www.jemsluxefibers.com
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/jemsluxefibers/

11AM Queen City Yarn

SHOP HERE: https://queencityyarn.com/pages/zk2020
Join Zoom here:  https://temple.zoom.us/j/95047774704   Meeting ID: 950 4777 4704
Virtual shopping sign-ups available for Sat and Sun at https://queencityyarn.com/pages/zk2020

image title 12PM Sun Valley Fibers

SHOP HERE: https://www.SunValleyFibers.com
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/sunvalleyfibers/

image title 1PM Lavender Lune Yarn
SHOP HERE:  lavenderluneyarn.co
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram apphttps://www.instagram.com/lavenderluneyarn/

image title   2PM Fibernymph Dye Works
SHOP HERE: https://www.fibernymphdyeworks.com
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/fibernymphdyeworks/

image title3PM Star Knits
SHOP HERE www.starknits.net
Follow and join on the Instagram app  https://www.instagram.com/starknits/

image title 4PM Berry Fun Yarns
SHOP HERE: http://fireflyberries.com/products/naturally-dyed-yarns/
Join Zoom here: https://zoom.us/j/98433346397?pwd=KzVjR0pXNUNZSkNJbXBWaitjRGRyQT09
Meeting ID: 984 3334 6397 Password: ZKathome

image title 5PM Mitchell's Creations
SHOP HERE: www.mitchellscreations.com
Follow and join on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/mitchellscfiberarts/

image title 6PM Fish Belly Fiber Works
SHOP HERE: www.fishbellyfiberworks.com
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/fishbellyfiberworks/

image title 7PM Un Besito Fiber
SHOP HERE: www.etsy.com/shop/unbesitofiber
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/unbesitofiber/

image title 8PM Yarn Mobile
SHOP HERE yarnmobile.com
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/yarnmobile/

image title9PM Dyed in the Wool Yarn Co
SHOP HERE: www.dyedinthewoolyarnco.com
Follow and join the LIVE event on the Instagram app https://www.instagram.com/dyedinthewoolyarnco/

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SHOP HERE:  https://www.716knit.com/
Virtual shopping appointments:
https://www.knitbuffalo.com (to sign up for yarn truck shopping)

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SHOP HERE: https://www.orangejellyfishdream.com/hand-dyed-yarn

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SHOP HERE: www.direfulyarns.com and www.pinkebody.etsy.com

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SHOP HERE: http://www.northernbeestudio.com

Three Irish Girls Yarn Inc
SHOP HERE: https://threeirishgirls.com/collections/carpe-yarnem